Our Mission

The Cluster Headache Support Group, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of those suffering with cluster headache. CHSG was founded in 2010. Our mission is to provide a safe, supportive community for patients and caregivers affected by cluster headache that offers patient education and access to accurate, relevant information and resources, as well as drive and support scientific research that results in treatment advances for patients with cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias.

Our Vision

Improve the lives of those patients with cluster headache by providing patient-directed support and education, collaborating with health care systems to drive research, and empower patients to advocate for and raise awareness of cluster headache.

Our Core Values

  • Accuracy – All medical information is reviewed by a board-certified headache specialist to ensure accuracy.
  • Integrity – We adhere to the highest standard of corporate ethics, including disclosure of any and all competing interests.
  • Compassion – Our compassion for the suffering of those affected by cluster headache drives our operations.
  • Collaboration – We believe in collaborative decision-making within our team, soliciting member input, and are committed to working with other headache organziations to further our shared goals.